Kunst Werke, Berlin
Solo Show
Ateliereinbau II
Drywall, wood
Dimensions variable
Exhibition: Kunst Werke, Berlin, 1993
The door to the studio is half open. Built into the wall, the door forms part of the corridor and at the same time defines the height and width of the accessible part of the space. A long corridor leads to two narrow, horizontal viewing shafts, each with a window at the end; through both windows you see the same section of the corner of the house opposite. A reversed perspective is created: from the opposite building toward the viewer. The work functions by drawing the outward perspective inward. The viewer’s movements are deter- mined by the vanishing point in the external space; it keeps him at a distance and makes it impossible for him to find the centre of the space. The windows reveal the identical view—like a picture—, therefore making the vantage points interchangeable